Shamit Khemka, founder of the software company SynapseIndia, is an early adopter of rapid application development (RAD) model. This model highlights the extremely dynamic landscape of software development. Today, one of the major trends in the software development industry is to reduce development time while maximizing progress.
Mr. Khemka observed that
trend early and strategically implemented the RAD model in
SynapseIndia. The RAD process enables developers at SynapseIndia to
swiftly adjust to shifting needs in a fast-paced and increasingly
changing market.
Following deployment of
the RAD method, the software development team at SynapseIndia was
able to adapt to a flexible process for development projects. RAD
allows the team to leverage the knowledge from UX design before
implementing the software.
Besides, RAD lets precise measurement of
the progress of a project. The process also significantly reduces
development time and allows the team to get feedback.
The RAD model comprises
defined phases like planning and analysis, user design, construction
of the development task, and an implementation phase. The software
development team at SynapseIndia is well versed at using each of
these steps efficiently.
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