Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Shamit Khemka: EO has helped me change my style of leadership

Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) has brought about a great difference in my management and leadership style. EO has helped me evolve as a global entrepreneur. EO provides a great platform where entrepreneurs from across the globe meet and share their thoughts. No doubt, it's an excellent platform for entrepreneurs (both budding and successful) who want to achieve something remarkable in global panorama.

I can say this from personal experience that the role of an entrepreneur is a tough one with never ending hurdles in the form of difficult to manage customers, employees and sales. As an entrepreneur, you should be ready to take up challenges and opportunities with open arms. Handling them all skillfully is what entrepreneurship is all about! However, one thing we often miss out is: our style of leadership and management. Thanks to EO, I got the opportunity to meet and interact with brilliant entrepreneurs from across the globe. Listening to their intelligent ideas and valuable thoughts during different EO meetings across the globe has helped me learn a lot. The inspiration that I got from interacting with such amazing entrepreneurs worldwide resulted in two startups named CSIPL – Cross Section Interactive Private Limited in 2013 and in year 2012. Besides this, the positive vibes of fellow EO members encouraged me to increase the development centers of SynapseIndia – from one center, a few years ago, to total 4 such centers in Noida, India.

My association with EO (local & regional boards) is more than a decade old (since 2007). It was an honor to be in the chair as the Regional Director of EO for South Asia region (2014 – 2016). The experience further improved my leadership and management qualities. Receiving standing ovation from fellow EO members at the EO RIE event was the best perk one could ever expect from such a great community.

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